Discover for yourself the beauty of Rosen Centre Hotel and how spa-tacular we are! Pamper yourself in all the luxuries that the Rosen Centre has to offer. Enjoy our spa, pool and fitness center and indulge your palate at one of our alluring restaurants. Stay with us and enjoy one 50-minute massage at The Spa at Rosen Centre (by appointment only).
Let our invigorating sea salt body scrub exfoliate and smooth your skin while a sweet pumpkin mask d...
Shift your Orlando vacation into gear with our LET FASHION DRIVE YOU package....
Enjoy a night away at the Rosen Centre Hotel while support a great cause. Your stay at the Rosen ...
Rosen loves and appreciates all our teachers year round. Rosen Centre welcomes our educators with...
Discover for yourself the beauty of Rosen Centre Hotel and how spa-tacular we are! Pamper yoursel...