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Protect Your Skin: 7 Essential Summer Skincare Tips

By Yasmene Warren

Summer Skincare Tips

The sun feels so good on our skin after a long, cold winter, but too much of it can do more harm than good. When it comes to planning a summer trip to the Sunshine State, proper skincare practices are a must. Here are seven summer skincare tips to keeping your skin in good shape under the warm Florida sun.

1. Always Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a life saver for your skin. Wearing it daily can protect your skin from sunburn and long-term skin damage. Too much sun exposure over time can cause sunspots, discoloration, wrinkles, and in worse cases, skin cancer. Wearing sunscreen helps protect your skin from these things.

It’s best to apply sunscreen at least 15 to 30 minutes before exposing your skin to the sun and again after two hours. Heed these summer skincare tips and your skin will be thanking you.

2. Stay Hydrated

Let’s face it: Florida is hot. Dehydration not only affects your body but also your skin. Not drinking enough water can dry out your skin, making it appear rough and even scaly.

You can also hydrate your skin with a nourishing facial at The Spa at Rosen Centre. If you’ve spent too much time in the sun with unprotected skin, replenish your skin’s cells with a relaxing, hydrating facial right from your hotel.

3. Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

Being in the sun will undoubtedly make you sweat, and piling on the SPF daily can build up a lot of oil and clog your skin’s pores. That’s why exfoliating at least once or twice a week is essential to your skin’s health and one of our best summer skincare tips.

Woman relaxing on bed at The Spa at Rosen Centre.

Exfoliating can unclog your pores and reduce the number of skin blemishes. Once or twice a week is sufficient to remove the buildup of dead skin, oils, and residual SPF. If you really want your skin to feel brand new, book an exfoliation at The Spa at Rosen Centre

4. Moisturize Your Skin

We’ve already established how dehydration can have negative effects on the skin, which is why we want to emphasize the importance of moisturizing. It helps to apply a hydrating moisturizer after washing off the day’s dirt and debris.

5. Add Antioxidants to Your Routine

Antioxidants are good for overall health and excellent for your skin. Too much sun exposure causes free radicals to form, which can damage your skin cells. Antioxidants are a great way to stabilize those molecules and keep your skin happy and healthy.

Eat a diet rich in foods with high levels of antioxidants such as berries or greens, or use products containing antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Our skin balance facial at The Spa at Rosen Centre revitalizes your skin with the rich antioxidants it needs to stay strong. Couple that with our summer skincare tips and see the results come to life in your skin.

6. Go Easy on the Makeup

Wearing too many layers of clothing is sure to make you feel uncomfortable when outside in the sun on a hot day. The same goes for your skin.

Spending the hot summer day out and about in Orlando will make you sweat. Pile that on top of a good amount of makeup and your pores will likely get clogged. This can cause acne breakouts and damage your skin.

Wearing less makeup during your time in the sun is a great way to keep your skin healthy.

7. More Summer Skincare Tips at The Spa at Rosen Centre

Women relaxing in the relaxation room at The Spa at Rosen Centre.

We get it. Not everyone is an expert in skincare. But our specialists at The Spa at Rosen Centre certainly are. These tips are great places to start when looking to take care of your skin, but if you’re in need of some extra guidance and care, let the experts do the work for you. Our spa is conveniently located on-site at Rosen Centre, so you can spend all day in the sun and come back to your hotel to indulge in a luxurious treatment to leave your skin feeling renewed.

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